Comm Talk by Geek Devotions
Comm Talk an extension of the YouTube channel Geek Devotions which is a show by a couple of devoted geeks devoted to letting people know that they are loved. Comm Talk is a series of podcasts where geeks gather to share their passion for different geeky things freely.

Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Bonus Podcast: A Podcast About Cartoons | Interview with The Cel Cast
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Welcome to a special edition of Extra Tuesday! This week Dallas sits down with the hosts of the cartoon review podcast called, The Cel Cast. Who are Drew and Jacob and are they a podcast for you? Check out this conversation and find out!Check out Dallas' appearance on The Cel Cast Podcast where he and the guys talked about Tenchi Muyo In Love! : Check out The Cel Cast Podcast: Codes: 00:00 Intro 01:09 Who are Drew and Jacob of The Cel Cast 05:45 What is The Cel Cast? 06:49 Why did they start The Cel Cast? 15:26 Why was "Frozen" their first episode? 18:11 Why are they reviewing "Tangled" the tv series? 21:51 How do they decide what films they review? 23:31 What's been their favorite on-air and off-air moment? 35:10 What film are they dying to review? 39:38 Rapid Fire Questions 42:20 Wrap Up
Check out Geek Devotions at
We want to give a very special thank you to the Devoted Patreon Geeks who help to support Geek Devotions on a monthly basis: Francisco Ruiz, Adam Arciniega, Cody McGurk, Erin Straus, Andrew Markham, Paul Turner, Jacob Russel, Mike Alderman, Nathan Marchand, The Dapper Man, Dale White, Ashley Kronenbitter, Victoria Dalton, Michael Joesph Manacci and Drew Dodgen
If you'd like to become a Devoted Patreon Geek or learn more about the benefits of becoming one, click the link below;
You can do a one time gift via PayPal here

Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Welcome to a special Anime April edition of Comm Talk by Geek Devotions! This week, Dallas' sister, Damara, joins us to talk about one of their favorite franchises, Mobile Suit Gundam. Why do they like it so much? Listen and find out!
Check out Geek Devotions at
We want to give a very special thank you to the Devoted Patreon Geeks who help to support Geek Devotions on a monthly basis: Francisco Ruiz, Adam Arciniega, Cody McGurk, Erin Straus, Andrew Markham, Paul Turner, Jacob Russel, Mike Alderman, Nathan Marchand, The Dapper Man, Dale White, Ashley Kronenbitter, Victoria Dalton, Michael Joesph Manacci and Drew Dodgen
If you'd like to become a Devoted Patreon Geek or learn more about the benefits of becoming one, click the link below;
You can do a one time gift via PayPal here

Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
As we continue down the road to Godzilla Vs King Kong, Josh Burkey of Victims and Villains joins us to talk about the original show down between these two Kaiju Titans, 1963's King Kong Vs Godzilla.... the question of the day... Is it worth watching?
Check out Geek Devotions at
For more info about Victims and Villains, check out the links below:
Official Site:
Apple Podcasts:
Mental Health Resource Library:
Special Guest Appearance: Nathan and Jimmy of Monster Island Film Vault ( )
We want to give a very special thank you to the Devoted Patreon Geeks who help to support Geek Devotions on a monthly basis: Francisco Ruiz, Adam Arciniega, Cody McGurk, Erin Straus, Andrew Markham, Paul Turner, Jacob Russel, Mike Alderman, Nathan Marchand, The Dapper Man, Dale White, Ashley Kronenbitter, Victoria Dalton, and Michael Joesph Manacci.
If you'd like to become a Devoted Patreon Geek or learn more about the benefits of becoming one, click the link below; You can do a one time gift via PayPal here

Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
This week on Comm Talk by Geek Devotions, the crew of Primitive Rhythm Machine, John Harju and Stephen MacDonald, sit down to discuss what they look for in Christian music and why they like certain Christian Music.Time Stamp:
00:00 Intro – Glix and John have beef.5:23 – What draws John to the music he listens to?18:03 – What draws Stephen to the music he listens to?26:33 – Commercial Break – Check out the Role Playing Podcast called Playing Game with StrangersWant to create a new Playing Games with Strangers Commercials? Hollar at John – – What draws Dallas to the music he listens to?43:23 – Where can you find different Christian music?Check out some of the music we discussed and recommended in this episode:
We want to give a very special thank you to the Devoted Patreon Geeks who help to support Geek Devotions on a monthly basis: Francisco Ruiz, Adam Arciniega, Cody McGurk, Erin Straus, Andrew Markham, Paul Turner, Jacob Russel, Mike Alderman, Nathan Marchand, The Dapper Man, Dale White, Ashley Kronenbitter, Victoria Dalton, and Michael Joesph Manacci.
If you'd like to become a Devoted Patreon Geek or learn more about the benefits of becoming one, click the link below; You can do a one time gift via PayPal here

Sunday Mar 14, 2021
092: Road to Godzilla vs Kong: Godzilla - King of the Monters
Sunday Mar 14, 2021
Sunday Mar 14, 2021
As we continue our down the Road to Godzilla vs Kong, Dallas and Celeste sit down to discuss 2019's Godzilla - King of the Monsters! Do we like it? Do we not like it? Is it worth watching? Check out this episode to find out!
We want to give a very special thank you to the Devoted Patreon Geeks who help to support Geek Devotions on a monthly basis: Francisco Ruiz, Adam Arciniega, Cody McGurk, Erin Straus, Andrew Markham, Paul Turner, Jacob Russel, Mike Alderman, Nathan Marchand, The Dapper Man, Dale White, Ashley Kronenbitter, Victoria Dalton, and Michael Joesph Manacci.
If you'd like to become a Devoted Patreon Geek or learn more about the benefits of becoming one, click the link below; can do a one time gift via PayPal here

Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
091: Random Conversation about Balance with Scott Ethridge
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Welcome to a special mid week episode of Comm Talk by Geek Devotions. This episode is a random conversation with that Dallas had with Scott Ethridge, lead pastor of The Healing Place in Shreveport. In this conversation, Dallas and Scott talk about balance in what kind of entertainment we take in.
If you want more information about The Healing Place visit
If you'd like to check out more about Scott visit his Facebook page:
Check out Scott's Instagram at
We want to give a very special thank you to the Devoted Patreon Geeks who help to support Geek Devotions on a monthly basis: Francisco Ruiz, Adam Arciniega, Cody McGurk, Erin Straus, Andrew Markham, Paul Turner, Jacob Russel, Mike Alderman, Nathan Marchand, The Dapper Man, Dale White, Ashley Kronenbitter, Victoria Dalton, and Michael Joesph Manacci.
If you'd like to become a Devoted Patreon Geek or learn more about the benefits of becoming one, click the link below; can do a one time gift via PayPal here

Sunday Mar 07, 2021
090: Road to Godzilla vs Kong - Godzilla 2014
Sunday Mar 07, 2021
Sunday Mar 07, 2021
As we continue on our journey to Godzilla vs Kong, our resident kaijus escaped the Kaiju Room. Since they were already on the run, Dallas and Celeste decided to discuss Godzilla 2014. Do we like it? Do we not? Join us to find out!Dallas had previously discussed this film with our friend Francisco of Retro Rewind Podcast.
Part 2:
We also mentioned Kaiju Weekly's review of Godzilla 2014, check out there episode:
Road to Godzilla vs Kong part 1 - Kong: Skull Island:
We want to give a very special thank you to the Devoted Patreon Geeks who help to support Geek Devotions on a monthly basis: Francisco Ruiz, Adam Arciniega, Cody McGurk, Erin Straus, Andrew Markham, Paul Turner, Jacob Russel, Mike Alderman, Nathan Marchand, The Dapper Man, Dale White, Ashley Kronenbitter, Victoria Dalton, and Michael Joesph Manacci.
If you'd like to become a Devoted Patreon Geek or learn more about the benefits of becoming one, click the link below; can do a one time gift via PayPal here

Sunday Feb 28, 2021
089: Road to Godzilla Vs Kong - Kong Skull Island
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
We have officially begun the road to Godzilla Vs Kong! This week Dallas and Celeste sit down to talk about 2017's Kong: Skull Island. Come check out our thoughts on the film and hear if we recommend it for you.If you'd like to hear a deeper dive discussion into Kong: Skull Island; check out The Monster Island Film Vault's episode where Dallas got to sit down with Nathan and Jimmy to Discuss the film!
We want to give a very special thank you to the Devoted Patreon Geeks who help to support Geek Devotions on a monthly basis: Francisco Ruiz, Adam Arciniega, Cody McGurk, Erin Straus, Andrew Markham, Paul Turner, Jacob Russel, Mike Alderman, Nathan Marchand, The Dapper Man, Dale White, Ashley Kronenbitter, Victoria Dalton, and Michael Joesph Manacci.
If you'd like to become a Devoted Patreon Geek or learn more about the benefits of becoming one, click the link below; can do a one time gift via PayPal here

Sunday Feb 07, 2021
088: Is it OK for Christians to play D&D and other RPGs?
Sunday Feb 07, 2021
Sunday Feb 07, 2021
This week on Comm Talk, special guest, John Harju sits down with Dallas and Celeste to talk about Dungeons and Dragons and if it's ok for Christians to play it.
Time Stamps00:00 Intro
00:40 Meet John
03:21 How John got involved in D&D
12:33 How did Celeste and Dallas get involved in D&D
19:21 - Commercial Break - Check out Playing Games with Strangers
21:10 Fun stories that came from Playing Games with Strangers
34:08 What was the "Satanic Panic" of the 80's
42:13 Why some people can play D&D
58:44 - Commercial Break - Check out Victim and Villains
1:00:00 D&D used to to help with Mental Health Therapy - Check out the Article that John Refrenced
1:13:01 D&D used as Christian Outreah
1:16:13 Outro
We want to give a very special thank you to the Devoted Patreon Geeks who help to support Geek Devotions on a monthly basis: Francisco Ruiz, Adam Arciniega, Cody McGurk, Erin Straus, Andrew Markham, Paul Turner, Jacob Russel, Mike Alderman, Nathan Marchand, The Dapper Man, Dale White, Ashley Kronenbitter, Victoria Dalton, and Michael Joesph Manacci.
If you'd like to become a Devoted Patreon Geek or learn more about the benefits of becoming one, click the link below; can do a one time gift via PayPal here

Sunday Jan 31, 2021
Lost Files | CT002: Dark and Stormy Discussion on Gotham
Sunday Jan 31, 2021
Sunday Jan 31, 2021
Lost File recovered thanks to Devoted Geek and Away Team Member; John HarjuOriginally Aired May 14th, 2017:
This week on Comm Talk, we talk about Gotham Heroes Rise: The Primal Riddle and where we think they are going with the series.
We want to give a very special thank you to the Devoted Patreon Geeks who help to support Geek Devotions on a monthly basis: Francisco Ruiz, Adam Arciniega, Cody McGurk, Erin Straus, Andrew Markham, Paul Turner, Jacob Russel, Mike Alderman, Nathan Marchand, The Dapper Man, Dale White, Ashley Kronenbitter, Victoria Dalton, and Michael Joesph Manacci.
If you'd like to become a Devoted Patreon Geek or learn more about the benefits of becoming one, click the link below;
You can do a one time gift via PayPal here

Learn more about Geek Devotions
We strive to be a voice of light in a community that is often shunned and ignored by the church. This past year we expanded into podcasts and partnering with other geeky ministries which have given us the opportunity to reach out and love on hundreds of people locally here in Shreveport, LA, all the way to the UK and Australia! We have received several e-mails and various social media messages from people telling us how they appreciate that we are speaking their language (Geek) and how what we do has encouraged, inspired, and challenged them.
If you'd like to know more about Geek Devotions, visit our website