Comm Talk by Geek Devotions
Comm Talk an extension of the YouTube channel Geek Devotions which is a show by a couple of devoted geeks devoted to letting people know that they are loved. Comm Talk is a series of podcasts where geeks gather to share their passion for different geeky things freely.

Sunday Jan 24, 2021
087: 3 Theories about Godzilla vs Kong | Bonus Episode
Sunday Jan 24, 2021
Sunday Jan 24, 2021
This is a special bonus episode for the week! Legendary dropped a trailer for 2021's Godzilla VS Kong this morning so Dallas decided to give his thoughts on it and some theories on where the movie is going! What are your thoughts? Reach out to us on our social media and let us know!
We want to give a very special thank you to the Devoted Patreon Geeks who help to support Geek Devotions on a monthly basis: Francisco Ruiz, Adam Arciniega, Cody McGurk, Erin Straus, Andrew Markham, Paul Turner, Jacob Russel, Mike Alderman, Nathan Marchand, The Dapper Man, Dale White, Ashley Kronenbitter, Victoria Dalton, and Michael Joesph Manacci.
If you'd like to become a Devoted Patreon Geek or learn more about the benefits of becoming one, click the link below; can do a one time gift via PayPal here
![086: Giving Up Ministry [Revisited]](
Sunday Jan 24, 2021
086: Giving Up Ministry [Revisited]
Sunday Jan 24, 2021
Sunday Jan 24, 2021
Today on Comm Talk by Geek Devotions, Dallas and Celeste take on a pretty serious topic; "Is it appropriate to give up a ministry just because you're not the only one doing it?" Please note that the one posted now is a slightly different version than our previous recording.
We want to give a very special thank you to the Devoted Patreon Geeks who help to support Geek Devotions on a monthly basis: Francisco Ruiz, Adam Arciniega, Cody McGurk, Erin Straus, Andrew Markham, Paul Turner, Jacob Russel, Mike Alderman, Nathan Marchand, The Dapper Man, Dale White, Ashley Kronenbitter, Victoria Dalton, and Michael Joesph Manacci.
If you'd like to become a Devoted Patreon Geek or learn more about the benefits of becoming one, click the link below; can do a one time gift via PayPal here

Sunday Jan 17, 2021
085: Christian Music or Music Made by Christians | PRM
Sunday Jan 17, 2021
Sunday Jan 17, 2021
This week on Comm Talk by Geek Devotions, John and Steve return for another episode of Primitive Rhythm Machine. This time they are talking about a variety of topics such as the difference between the music industry today and back in the day, and the struggles that some "Christian Bands" have in presenting the gospel.
0:00 Intro / Chit Chat3:48 John’s Epiphany about bands chasing trends12:32 How did the music Industry use to run?17:53 How the music Industry runs today19:18 The Struggle to find good music23:40 Live vs Studio26:30 Do Christian bands do a good job of presenting The Gospel?34:32 Are you a band with a message or a message with a band?38:26 Band Recommendation – Grave Robberrr | | 42:00 Home Work – Check out band called My Epic’s Behold album | 45:18 John’s review on Colors by Resurrection Band53:30 Steve gets a Failing Grade55:10 If you have a Secular band that you have a Christian Alternative you’d like to suggest email Stephen or reach out to Geek Devotions directly and the guys will talk about it on the show.58:02 Closing
We want to give a very special thank you to the Devoted Patreon Geeks who help to support Geek Devotions on a monthly basis: Francisco Ruiz, Adam Arciniega, Cody McGurk, Erin Straus, Andrew Markham, Paul Turner, Jacob Russel, Mike Alderman, Nathan Marchand, The Dapper Man, Dale White, Ashley Kronenbitter, Victoria Dalton, and Michael Joesph Manacci.
If you'd like to become a Devoted Patreon Geek or learn more about the benefits of becoming one, click the link below; You can do a one time gift via PayPal here

Sunday Jan 03, 2021
084: Review of Bass Reeves A Family Friendly Comic
Sunday Jan 03, 2021
Sunday Jan 03, 2021
This week on Comm Talk, Branson brings us another fun episode of B's Views and Reviews where he reviews family friendly and at times faith based comics. This week he's taking a look at Bass Reeves by Allegiance Arts!
Interested in checking out Bass Reeves? Visit the Allegiance Arts Website!
If you’re an independent Comic Book writer, email Branson at
0:00 Intro0:45 Who is Bass Reeves2:25 Summary of the Bass Reeves Comic3:53 The Artwork of Bass Reeves5:34 Retro Rewind Podcast Promo7:29 Branson’s favorite parts of Bass Reeves11:48 Content12:58 Outro
Theme Song: “Smile” by DJ Lebreno = Used with the Express Permission of DJ Lebreno

Sunday Dec 13, 2020
083: Is There Anything Good In 2020?
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
This year has been challenging for many, but can any good be found in it? This week on Comm Talk, Dallas and Celeste sit down to talk about the challenges from the year, how they dealt with the stresses of the year, and some victories from 2020!Time Stamps
00:00 – Stinger00:38 – Intro1:53 – One of the Best Parts of our Year3:03 – Challenges and Opportunities found in 20208:52 – Biggest Challenge of the year19:38 – Promo for Playing Games With Strangers21:19 – How we dealt with the stress of the Year.36:00 – Growth in Geek Devotions42:19 – One thing we were happy about happening in 202047:52 – Challenge – What’s one thing you’re thankful for that happened this past year?
Playing Games with Strangers:
Theme Song: “Smile” by DJ Lebreno = Used with the Express Permission of DJ Lebreno
We want to give a very special thank you to the Devoted Patreon Geeks who help to support Geek Devotions on a monthly basis:Francisco RuizAdam ArciniegaCody McGurkErin StrausAndrew MarkhamPaul TurnerJacob RusselMike AldermanNathan MarchandThe Dapper ManDale WhiteAshley KronenbitterScott MinorMichael Joseph Manacci
If you’d like to become a Devoted Patreon Geek or learn more about the benefits of becoming one, click the link below; can do a one time gift via PayPal here
Check out our Devoted Geek Apparel:
Visit our Website:

Sunday Dec 06, 2020
082: What is Primitive Rhythm Machine?
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
For this episode of Comm Talk By Geek Devotions; we are introducing a new segment called Primitive Rhythm Machine. This new monthly instalment features our dear friends John Harju and Stephen MacDonald who aim to educate you Devoted Geeks about really good Christian music and how to use discernment about what we as Christians listen to. In this episode, we have a loose introduction of Steve and John and their thoughts on music in general. They also take some time to talk about how they hope the show will go and assign listening homework for each other, and you.Time Code:
0:00 Show Intro1:00 Meet John and Stephen6:00 What on earth is happening here?7:40 What’s the Intentions of PRM?10:12 How do John and Stephen interact with secular music?23:42 What is Stephen’s musical taste?28:43 What caused a shift in Christian Music?33:15 Was there a band or album that opened Stephen’s eyes to “alternative” Christian music?42:26 John’s musical tastes49:30 General Music recommendations 57:36 Album Homework…Stay of Execution - Deliverance: Lighter - White Lighter:
If you have questions or recommendations for PRM, email Stephen at steveandchrista@me.comPlaying Games with Strangers:
Theme Song: “Smile” by DJ Lebreno = Used with the Express Permission of DJ Lebreno
We want to give a very special thank you to the Devoted Patreon Geeks who help to support Geek Devotions on a monthly basis:Francisco RuizAdam ArciniegaCody McGurkErin StrausAndrew MarkhamPaul TurnerJacob RusselMike AldermanNathan MarchandThe Dapper ManDale WhiteAshley KronenbitterScott MinorMagicFroggiMichael Joseph Manacci
If you’d like to become a Devoted Patreon Geek or learn more about the benefits of becoming one, click the link below; can do a one time gift via PayPal here
Check out our Devoted Geek Apparel:
Visit our Website:

Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Lost Files | CT001: Free Comic Book Day 2017
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Originally Aired 5-7-2017 Welcome to the Lost Files of Comm Talk. When we transferred hosts, we lost the original 13 episodes of Comm Talk. Thankfully our dear friend, John Harju of Playing Game with Strangers rescued those files for us. In this episode Celeste and Dallas talk about our haul from Free Comic Book Day 2017
Check out Playing Games with Strangers here!
Theme Song: “Smile” by DJ Lebreno = Used with the Express Permission of DJ Lebreno
We want to give a very special thank you to the Devoted Patreon Geeks who help to support Geek Devotions on a monthly basis:Francisco RuizAdam ArciniegaCody McGurkErin StrausAndrew MarkhamPaul TurnerJacob RusselMike AldermanNathan MarchandThe Dapper ManDale WhiteAshley KronenbitterScott MinorMagicFroggi
If you’d like to become a Devoted Patreon Geek or learn more about the benefits of becoming one, click the link below; can do a one time gift via PayPal here
Check out our Devoted Geek Apparel:
Visit our Website:

Sunday Oct 11, 2020
081: Review of Superman Smashes the Klan Part 2 feat Carlos Renfroe
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
This week on Comm Talk by Geek Devotions, Carlos Renfroe joins us for part 2 of our discussion on DC Comic's Superman Smashes the Klan. In this episode we review book 2.
If you'd like our thoughts on part one check out episode 65 of Comm Talk!
Check out Healing Truth Ministries by following the links below Podcast: Twitter: Instagram
0:00 Intro
1:03 Reminder of Episode 65 | If you'd like our thoughts on part one check out episode 65 of Comm Talk!
1:34 Back story of the book "Superman Smashes the Klan
6:08 Review of book 2
22:51 Commercial break for Retro Rewind Podcast |
Listen to the #RetroRewindPodcast as Francisco, Paul, and a guest host take another look at movies, video games, and sometimes TV Shows which are 15+ years old. We discuss what we like, what we don't like, and finally ranking what's a Classic, Nostalgic, or Tragic. Find all RRP's stuff at: Check out their podcast on iTunes and Google Play! Follow RRP on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook: @retrorewindpod
26:55 Deeper thoughts on the themes in Book 2
50:38 Outro
Theme Song: “Smile” by DJ Lebreno = Used with the Express Permission of DJ Lebreno
We want to give a very special thank you to the Devoted Patreon Geeks who help to support Geek Devotions on a monthly basis:Francisco RuizAdam ArciniegaCody McGurkErin StrausAndrew MarkhamPaul TurnerJacob RusselMike AldermanNathan MarchandThe Dapper ManDale WhiteAshley KronenbitterScott MinorMagicFroggi
If you’d like to become a Devoted Patreon Geek or learn more about the benefits of becoming one, click the link below; can do a one time gift via PayPal here
Check out our Devoted Geek Apparel:
Visit our Website:

Sunday Oct 04, 2020
080: Is the Alien Franchise Worth Watching? Part 1
Sunday Oct 04, 2020
Sunday Oct 04, 2020
This week on Comm Talk by Geek Devotions, Dallas and Celeste take a look at the entire Alien Franchise. Is this a series worth watching? Or is it best left alone? Join us to find out!
Check out the Timestamps below to jump to the portion of the discussion you want to hear:
0:28 Explanation of today’s episode6:41 Discussion on Prometheus15:53 Can we recommend Prometheus?17:04 Discussion on Alien Covenant36:35 Can we recommend Alien Covenant?37:50 Victims and Villains Promo39:04 Discussion on 1979’s Alien54:51 Can we recommend Alien?55:48 Outro
Theme Song: “Smile” by DJ Lebreno = Used with the Express Permission of DJ Lebreno
We want to give a very special thank you to the Devoted Patreon Geeks who help to support Geek Devotions on a monthly basis:Francisco RuizAdam ArciniegaCody McGurkErin StrausAndrew MarkhamPaul TurnerJacob RusselMike AldermanNathan MarchandThe Dapper ManDale WhiteAshley Kronenbitter
If you’d like to become a Devoted Patreon Geek or learn more about the benefits of becoming one, click the link below; can do a one time gift via PayPal here
Check out our Devoted Geek Apparel:
Visit our Website:

Sunday Sep 27, 2020
079: Review of Red Rooster a Family Friendly Comic | BVR
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
This week on Comm Talk by Geek Devotions, we have our first official review of B's Views and Reviews, Branson takes a look at Allegiance Arts' Red Rooster. Is this a good comic to read? Is it truly family friendly? Or is this one destined for... the farm? Listen and find out!Read the full review on our website here:
Interested in picking up your own copy of Red Rooster? Pick it up at Walmart while supplies last or visit
If you’re an independent Comic Book writer, email Branson at
Theme Song: “Smile” by DJ Lebreno = Used with the Express Permission of DJ Lebreno
We want to give a very special thank you to the Devoted Patreon Geeks who help to support Geek Devotions on a monthly basis:Francisco RuizAdam ArciniegaCody McGurkErin StrausAndrew MarkhamPaul TurnerJacob RusselMike AldermanNathan MarchandThe Dapper ManDale WhiteAshley Kronenbitter
If you’d like to become a Devoted Patreon Geek or learn more about the benefits of becoming one, click the link below; can do a one time gift via PayPal here
Check out our Devoted Geek Apparel:
Visit our Website:

Learn more about Geek Devotions
We strive to be a voice of light in a community that is often shunned and ignored by the church. This past year we expanded into podcasts and partnering with other geeky ministries which have given us the opportunity to reach out and love on hundreds of people locally here in Shreveport, LA, all the way to the UK and Australia! We have received several e-mails and various social media messages from people telling us how they appreciate that we are speaking their language (Geek) and how what we do has encouraged, inspired, and challenged them.
If you'd like to know more about Geek Devotions, visit our website