Comm Talk by Geek Devotions
Comm Talk an extension of the YouTube channel Geek Devotions which is a show by a couple of devoted geeks devoted to letting people know that they are loved. Comm Talk is a series of podcasts where geeks gather to share their passion for different geeky things freely.

Saturday May 09, 2020
068: Quarantine Edition Part 2
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Celeste and Glix have a conversation about the Throne of Glass series written by Sarah J. Maas.
If you'd like to hear what happened to Dallas during this recording... check out the Monster Island Film Vault Podcast
Check out the article that Southwestern Assemblies of God University did on us!
We want to give a very special thank you to the Devoted Patreon Geeks who help to support Geek Devotions on a monthly basis: Francisco Ruiz Adam Arciniega Cody McGurk Erin Straus Andrew Markham Paul Turner Jacob Russel Eric Willson Mike Alderman Nathan Marchand The Dapper Man
If you'd like to become a Devoted Patreon Geek or learn more about the benefits of becoming one, click the link below; '
You can do a one time gift via PayPal here

Saturday May 09, 2020
067: Quarantine Edition part 1
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Originally Aired Monday, April 27th 2020Our podcast is coming back! Welcome to part one of our Quarantine edition. In this episode, Celeste talks about our plan moving forward and her opinions on the CBS All Access app.
If you'd like to hear what happened to Dallas during this recording... check out the Monster Island Film Vault Podcast
Check out the article that Southwestern Assemblies of God University did on us!
We want to give a very special thank you to the Devoted Patreon Geeks who help to support Geek Devotions on a monthly basis: Francisco Ruiz Adam Arciniega Cody McGurk Erin Straus Andrew Markham Paul Turner Jacob Russel Eric Willson Mike Alderman Nathan Marchand The Dapper Man
If you'd like to become a Devoted Patreon Geek or learn more about the benefits of becoming one, click the link below;
You can do a one time gift via PayPal here

Saturday May 09, 2020
066: Is the Mandalorian Worth Watching?
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Originally Aired Sunday, December 8th 2019This week on our podcast we take a look at Disney's new series, The Mandalorian, and ask an honest question.... Is it worth watching?
We want to give a very special thank you to the Devoted Patreon Geeks who help to support Geek Devotions on a monthly basis: Francisco Ruiz Adam Arciniega Cody McGurk Erin Straus Andrew Markham Paul Turner Jacob Russel Eric Willson Mike Alderman
If you'd like to become a Devoted Patreon Geek or learn more about the benefits of becoming one, click the link below;
You can do a one time gift via PayPal here

Saturday May 09, 2020
065: Superman Smashes the Klan - Part 1 - Review | feat Carlos Renfroe
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Originally Aired Sunday, November 24th 2019This is a special edition of our podcast, Comm Talk by Geek Devotions. This week, special guest, Carlos Renfroe of Healing Truth Ministries joins us to talk about the 3 part comic book series, Superman Smashes the Klan. This special 3 part podcast series will be spaced out over the next several months as the series is released. This book is based on the 40's Radio Drama called Superman Vs the Klan Of the Firey Cross Check out Healing Truth Ministries by following the links below
We want to give a very special thank you to the Devoted Patreon Geeks who help to support Geek Devotions on a monthly basis: Francisco Ruiz Adam Arciniega Cody McGurk Erin Straus Andrew Markham Paul Turner Jacob Russel Eric Willson Mike Alderman
If you'd like to become a Devoted Patreon Geek or learn more about the benefits of becoming one, click the link below; You can do a one time gift via PayPal here

Saturday May 09, 2020
064: Why We Need to Identify Priorities
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Episode 64 of CommTalk by Geek Devotions, the podcast extension of Geek Devotions. In this episode, we talk about priorities and the need to prioritize what you do and don't do in life. We talk about our own experience of trying to create prioritize and how planning has helped us survive the last 3 and half years.
We want to give a very special thank you to the Devoted Patreon Geeks who help to support Geek Devotions on a monthly basis: Francisco Ruiz Adam Arciniega Cody McGurk Erin Straus Andrew Markham Paul Turner Jacob Russel Eric Willson Mike Alderman
If you'd like to become a Devoted Patreon Geek or learn more about the benefits of becoming one, click the link below;
You can do a one time gift via PayPal here

Saturday May 09, 2020
063: DCEU Superman and Batman V Superman
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Originally Aired Sunday, October 27th 2019The final stage of our Superman District! Is the DCEU Superman a good Superman? Is Batman V Superman really that bad? Check out our thoughts!
We want to give a very special thank you to the Devoted Patreon Geeks who help to support Geek Devotions on a monthly basis: Francisco Ruiz Adam Arciniega Cody McGurk Erin Straus Andrew Markham Paul Turner Jacob Russel Eric Willson Mike Alderman
If you'd like to become a Devoted Patreon Geek or learn more about the benefits of becoming one, click the link below;
You can do a one time gift via PayPal here

Saturday May 09, 2020
CT062: The Death of Superman - Reign of The Supermen.... Is it Worth It?
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Our podcast, CommTalk by Geek Devotions, is back! We almost have our Impossibility Driver fixed! Sadly, while trying to fix it, we had to skil the 10th Sector of the Superman District, thus completely skipping Superman Returns. So where did we land? District 11, The Death of Superman / Reign of the Supermen! What did we think of the movie combo? Is it worth watching? Does it honor the comics? Find out!
Special thanks to Comics Explained for their amazing videos about the comics. Dallas found his videos super helpful in remembering the original comics: W
e want to give a very special thank you to the Devoted Patreon Geeks who help to support Geek Devotions on a monthly basis: Francisco Ruiz Adam Arciniega Cody McGurk Erin Straus Andrew Markham Paul Turner Jacob Russel Eric Willson Mike Alderman

Saturday May 09, 2020
061: Is Smallville Any Good?
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Originally Aired Sunday, July 21st 2019This week we continue our Journey through the Superman District by taking a look at 2001’s Smallville. Is this a good series to watch if you’re new to Superman? Is it worth your time? Our opinions may surprise you.
Timestamps and Summaries
2:16 Recap of our journey through the Superman District of Planet Geekery
8:01 Did we like Smallville? Disclaimer – We only watched the first 5 episodes of this series due to the length of the series. Overall, we thought it was a good series, but the age of the actors playing freshmen in High School really threw us off. The question becomes, how badly did it throw us off? Would we want to watch more?
25:00 We take time to speculate what all was on television during the release of this series that made people say, “Wow we want more Smallville.”
28:04 This is the point of the show where we evaluate this rendition of “Superman/Clark Kent”
31:28 – Commercial Break with Retro Rewind Podcast Make sure to go check out their fantastic podcast!
32:06 Our evaluation of Lana Lang…. Normally we evaluate the performance of Lois Lane, but she wasn’t present in the first 5 episodes of Smallville.
35:26 We boil our conversation down to our final question, “Is Smallville worth watching if you’re new to Superman?” We had some good things to say and some negative things to say.
38:29 Announcements
We want to give a very special thank you to the Devoted Patreon Geeks who help to support Geek Devotions on a monthly basis: Francisco Ruiz, Adam Arciniega, Cody McGurk, Erin Straus, Andrew Markham, Paul Turner, Jacob Russel, Eric Willson, Mike Alderman

Saturday May 09, 2020
060: Lois and Clark The New Adventures of Superman feat. Bobby Sisemore
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Originally Aired June 16th, 2019As we continue our journey through the Superman District, Celeste dad joins us as a special guest to discuss Lois and Clark, the New Adventures of Superman

Saturday May 09, 2020
059: Superboy (1988) | Is it Super Awkward?
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Originally Aired Sunday, May 19th 2019Our podcast, Comm Talk by Geek Devotions, continues on through the Superman District into the Superboy (1988) Sector. What did we think of it?
We want to give a very special thank you to the Devoted Patreon Geeks who help to support Geek Devotions on a monthly basis:
Francisco RuizJonathan GilbertAdam ArciniegaCody McGurkErin StrausAndrew MarkhamPaul TurnerJacob Russel

Learn more about Geek Devotions
We strive to be a voice of light in a community that is often shunned and ignored by the church. This past year we expanded into podcasts and partnering with other geeky ministries which have given us the opportunity to reach out and love on hundreds of people locally here in Shreveport, LA, all the way to the UK and Australia! We have received several e-mails and various social media messages from people telling us how they appreciate that we are speaking their language (Geek) and how what we do has encouraged, inspired, and challenged them.
If you'd like to know more about Geek Devotions, visit our website