Comm Talk by Geek Devotions
Comm Talk an extension of the YouTube channel Geek Devotions which is a show by a couple of devoted geeks devoted to letting people know that they are loved. Comm Talk is a series of podcasts where geeks gather to share their passion for different geeky things freely.

Saturday May 09, 2020
048: When Is It Time to Get Professional Help For Depression? feat. John Gianforte
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Originally Aired Sunday, September 16th 2018This week on Comm Talk we wrap up Suicide Prevention Week with an Interview with John Gianforte (MA, LPC-S, LMFT) about Depression and how to know it’s time to get professional help. We are working on getting some detailed notes put together from this particular podcast so keep an eye out for a future post on this website.
For more information about Gainforte’s Mental Health Solutions, visit and you call them at (318) 631-1122
Questions and Time Stamps:4:57 Who is John Gianforte?7:39 Is there a spiritual aspect to finding healing with depression?11:50 Please define for us what depression and anxiety are.19:20 Have you seen a relationship between depression and people who have gotten in trouble with the Law?25:36 What are some of the signs that it is time to get help? How do we know when it’s time to seek professional help from counsellors such as yourself?32:04 What can you do if you have a loved one who is struggling with depression and anxiety but refuses to get help?36:22 One common thought is that suicide is a very personal thing and only affects the individual who takes their life. But what has the ripple effect of someone’s suicide had on family members and loved ones?39:51 What do you say to someone who has lost someone because of Suicide?43:46 If someone is struggling with Depression, anxiety, and thoughts of suicide; where can they go to get help?
We want to give a very special thank you to the Devoted Patreon Geeks who help to support Geek Devotions on a monthly basis:Francisco RuizJonathan GilbertAdam Arciniega
If you’d like to become a Devoted Patreon Geek or learn more about the benefits of becoming one, click the link below;

Saturday May 09, 2020
047: Gaming and Life
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Originally Aired Sunday, September 2nd 2018This week for our Podcast, Comm Talk, we did something interesting. While talking about video games we decided to play a video game! The gaming community is growing in leaps and bounds and with venues such as twitch becoming a gathering place for gamers, Dallas take time to ask a very interesting question, “Who is there to reach them?”
Check out our friends on Twitch and also visit our Twitch channel!Retro Rewind Podcast: Souzy: Squad: Devotions:
We want to give a very special thank you to the Devoted Patreon Geeks who help to support Geek Devotions on a monthly basis:Francisco RuizJonathan GilbertAdam Arciniega
If you’d like to become a Devoted Patreon Geek or learn more about the benefits of becoming one, click the link below;

Saturday May 09, 2020
046: Geek’d Con 2018 Road Trip Review
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Check out our Road Trip Review of Geek’d Con 2018! Geek’d Con is a fantastic geek convention in Shreveport, LA! If you’re new to our channel, this is the video version of our Podcast Comm Talk. You can find our podcast on your favourite podcatchers like Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Stitcher, and TuneIn Radio!
Check out the article we wrote on this event

Saturday May 09, 2020
044: SBC Anime Festival Road Trip Review
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Originally Aired Sunday, July 22nd 2018For this week’s podcast, we did a special “Road Trip” recording review of SBC Anime Festival. Because of the setting we were not able to use our typical recording equipment so we apologize for the lack of sound quality. Click the player below to hear the YouTube version or find our podcast “Comm Talk by Geek Devotions” on Apple Podcast, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, and Podcast Garden.
If we had to summarize the event into a few sentences it would be this:
SBC Anime Festival was a fantastic event for anime fans across the Ark-la-Tex. We loved the family-friendly atmosphere and most of all we enjoyed seeing fellow anime geeks in their environment. Places and events like this are far to rare for us. While it’s not as “big” as other Cons it is certainly one that needs to be supported by the local community. The more that these things are supported the more our local Geek Communities can grow.
Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel so that you don’t miss our Extra Tuesday which contains a quick video snapshot of this amazing event!

Saturday May 09, 2020
043: Gaming and Family Feat. Consuming Fire Gaming
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Originally Aired Sunday, July 8th 2018This week’s episode of our podcast, Comm Talk by Geek Devotions, our Impossibility Drive brings Consuming Fire Gaming to our comms! This week we talk about navigating the gaming culture and family. How do you decide what to play and not to play? How do you make the right decisions for your family? You can listen to this podcast by clicking play on the video below or search for “Comm Talk by Geek Devotions” on Apple Podcast, Google Play, TuneIn Radio, or Stitcher.
Comm Talk 043: Gaming and Family Feat. Consuming Fire Gaming
This week’s episode of our podcast, Comm Talk by Geek Devotions, our Impossibility Drive brings Consuming Fire Gaming to our comms! This week we talk about navigating the gaming culture and family. How do you decide what to play and not to play? How do you make the right decisions for your family? You can listen to this podcast by clicking play on the video below or search for “Comm Talk by Geek Devotions” on Apple Podcast, Google Play, TuneIn Radio, or Stitcher.
Time Stamps
2:43 What is Consuming Fire Gaming10:11 What was your earliest Video Games18:52 What was your most frustrating Video Game29:40 Most replayable Video Game38:33 Commercial- Social Media Marketing and Training – If you’re in need of help setting up your online presence for your business or ministry please contact Dallas at geekdevotions@gmail.com39:40 Navigating Gaming Culture and Family
See more of Consuming Fire Gaming
YouTube: Group:

Saturday May 09, 2020
042: Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy feat. Glix
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Originally Aired Sunday, June 24th 2018This week on Comm Talk we about Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. This is also the official introduction of our reoccurring guest, Glix! This week we talk about the origin and incarnations of HHGTTG, our favorite moments and lines, and a bit of extra importable conversation.
Friends we mentioned in this week’s podcast
Find all RRP’s stuff at: to RRP’s YouTube: on which movies RRP covers at:
Victims and Villains Review on Pistol Grip: Website:
Geeks Under Grace:
Welcome to Level 7 Podcast:
Strangers and Aliens Podcast:
Reformed Anime Hub:

Saturday May 09, 2020
041: Dealing with Depression
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Originally Aired Sunday, June 10th 2018This week on Comm Talk, we are talking about dealing with depression and thoughts of suicide.Check out our article about this topic on our main website
If you need help or know someone who needs help check out the following info for the Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255 or Text 741-741
In the podcast, we referenced a few things. Click the links below to see them!
Victims and Villains
Our Interview with Josh of V&V
Say Something School Assemblies
How to be a Professor X to Bullied People: Article Dallas wrote for Geeks Under Grace

Saturday May 09, 2020
040: Agents of Shield Season 5 and other Finales that Left Us Shaken
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Originally Aired Sunday, May 27th 2018This week on Comm Talk we talk about the season 5 finale of Agents of Shield, other finales that left us shaken and discuss… what Makes a good season finale. The Question of the Day… Does the culture of binge-watching ruin season finales?
There are MAJOR spoilers for Season 5 of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. so please keep that in mind before you listen to the episode. Also don’t forget that you can listen to this episode on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher Radio, and TuneIn by searching for Comm Talk by Geek Devotions

Saturday May 09, 2020
039: Why Do People Like Star Wars?
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Originally Aired Sunday, May 20th 2018 This week on our podcast, Comm Talk by Geek Devotions, we are talking about Star Wars. We are specifically asking the question, “Why do people like Star Wars? On the second half of the podcast we do a little man on the street discussion about Star Wars and we give the results from our caption contest.
0:50 Intro and Announcements
One major announcement for this week is that Colby Bryant of and Vice President of Geeks Under Grace will be taking over our channel for this upcoming Friday’s episode of Geek Devotions!
3:38 What is it about that Star Wars that Celeste and Dallas love?
For both Dallas and Celeste, there’s simply just a lot of love for sci-fi. For Celeste, it’s a great combination of her love for fantasy and Sci-fi while for Dallas it’s a great sci-fi saga with interesting political discord.
6:58 Favorite memories of times we watched Star Wars
For both Dallas and Celeste, our favorite memories involve being with family! Throughout this entire discussion, we’ve discovered that this seems to be a film series that brings families together. Leave a comment below and let us know if that’s the same for you! What’s your favorite memory watching Star Wars?
13:28 Comments on Star Wars from Devoted Geek Life Facebook Group
Devoted Geek Life is the official Facebook group for Geek Devotions! If you’d like to take part in our polls, special Facebook lives, and other fun conversations check it out!
18:08 Commercial Break
Social Media Marketing and Training – If you’re in need of help setting up your online presence for your business or ministry please contact Dallas at
18:57 Man on the Street Conversations about Star Wars
This was a special segment where actually interviewed different people to get their thoughts on Star Wars. We’d love to hear your thoughts on this segment!
25:15 Caption Contents! Congratulations to Josh Burkey and Mike Johngrass
This is something fun that we did on our main Facebook page and our Devoted Geek Life Page. Dallas posted this picture in the group and asked you amazing Devoted Geeks to caption it! Our favorites were from Josh Burkey who said “Kernel is about KENTUCKY Fry you, Ronald!” and then Mike John Grass who said, “This McCrap bout to get real!”
Check out Josh at Victims and Villains Podcast! Also, check out Mike at Message of Hope Check out the image they captioned below!
37:00 Closer

Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Originally Aired Sunday, May 6th 2018 This week on Comm Talk, special guest Josh of Victims and Villains Podcast joins us to talk about how to bring hope to those dealing with depression and suicide.
For more information about Victims and Villains Podcast check out the following links!Website: Radio:
Suicide is Currently the 10th leading cause of death in our country44,965 people die yearly from this diseaseFor every successful suicide, 25 more have been attempted. That’s 1,104,825 suicides attempted every year.123 people die daily from it!
If you need help or know someone who needs help check out the following info for the Suicide Prevention Hotline1-800-273-8255 or Text 741-741
Find your state:
Check out Josh’s episode of Geek Devotions at:

Learn more about Geek Devotions
We strive to be a voice of light in a community that is often shunned and ignored by the church. This past year we expanded into podcasts and partnering with other geeky ministries which have given us the opportunity to reach out and love on hundreds of people locally here in Shreveport, LA, all the way to the UK and Australia! We have received several e-mails and various social media messages from people telling us how they appreciate that we are speaking their language (Geek) and how what we do has encouraged, inspired, and challenged them.
If you'd like to know more about Geek Devotions, visit our website