Comm Talk by Geek Devotions
Comm Talk an extension of the YouTube channel Geek Devotions which is a show by a couple of devoted geeks devoted to letting people know that they are loved. Comm Talk is a series of podcasts where geeks gather to share their passion for different geeky things freely.

Saturday May 09, 2020
026: The Nightmare Before Christmas – Is it a Christmas or Halloween Movie?
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Originally Aired Sunday, December 10th 2017This week on Comm Talk, special guest Cody McGurk of Luphonix joins us for Geekmas as we talk about Tim Burton’s Nightmare Before Christmas. We talk about what we liked, what we didn’t like, some deeper meanings, and if this movie is a Halloween Movie or Christmas Movie
Show Notes:
1:00 Extra Tuesday Announcement2:24 Intro Cody McGurkYouTube channel: Page:
3:59 Things we liked10:08 Thinks we didn’t like
18:18 Commercial – Social Media Marketing and Training – If you’re in need of help setting up your online presence for your business or ministry please contact Dallas at
19:44 Deeper meanings34:56 Is this a Christmas movie and why45:37 Question of the Week – What other movies do you believe to be muli-seasonal?
46:22 Closer

Saturday May 09, 2020
025: Die Hard – Is it really a Christmas Movie?
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Originally Aired Sunday, December 3rd 2017This week on Comm Talk we talk about the 1988 movie, Die Hard. We discuss what we liked, didn’t like, some deeper thoughts on the movie and IF it is actually a Christmas movie.
Show Notes:0:56 – Announcements2:53 – Things we liked about Die Hard8:09 – Things we did not like about Die Hard
13:58 – Commercial Break – Social Media Marketing and Training – If you’re in need of help setting up your online presence for your business or ministry please contact Dallas at
14:50 – Deeper thoughts19:27 – Is Die Hard a Christmas Move?
23:36 – Outro

Saturday May 09, 2020
024: Star Trek with an Original Trekkie Feat. Bobby Sisemore
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Originally Aired Sunday, November 19th 2017This week on Comm Talk, special guest Bobby Sisemore (AKA Celeste’s Dad) joins us for a special conversation about Star Trek!
Show Notes3:22 Favorite Captain and Why8:01 Favorite Crew and Why
13:30 Commercial – Social Media Marketing and Training – If you’re in need of help setting up your online presence for your business or ministry please contact Dallas at
14:20 Favorite Episode for Each series and why!25:48 Results from our Poll on Devoted Geek Life Facebook Page…Which is the better Captain: Picard or Kirk?
For more Comm Talk, search for “Comm Talk by Geek Devotions” on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher Radio and TuneIn Radio.
Want more King of the Monsters Month? Check out this playlist:

Saturday May 09, 2020
023: The Gifted on Fox – What we like and where’d like to see it go
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Originally aired Sunday, November 12th 2017Today on Comm Talk we talk about the newest addition to the X-Men franchise… The Gifted! What do we like about the series? What would we like to see become of it? Find out today!
0:26 Intro1:05 – AnnouncementsGuest appearance on Victims and Villains – For more info about Victims and Villains visit out our episode with him here Geek Life – Join some of the most amazing geeks on the internet by joining our new Facebook group “Devoted Geek Life” just search for Devoted Geek Life on Facebook!
2:30 – What we like about Fox’s “The Gifted”15:37 – Interesting Characters that stand out to us in Fox’s “The Gifted”
25:41 – Commercial – Social Media Marketing and Training – If you’d like for some help setting up your online presence and learn how to maintain it, contact Dallas at
26:31- “The Gifted” moving forward, how we want to see the story develop and how could it be pulled into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.41:38 – What’s happening next week on Comm Talk42:41 – Devoted Geek Life Poll Results

Saturday May 09, 2020
022: Godzilla Through Cinema History
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Originally Aired Sunday, November 5th 2017Today on Comm Talk, Dallas and Celeste review the article they wrote for Geeks Under Grace entitled Godzilla: Through Cinema History. You can read the article for yourself at
Below the video player you’ll find our show notes with detailed time stamps for where you can find each section.
2:56 – The Original Godzilla – Gojira 1954 – GUG Article5:31 – Our Expanded thoughts on Gojira 19549:48 – Ferris Bueller Meets Godzilla – Godzilla 1998 – GUG Article11:53 – Our Expanded Thoughts on Godzilla 1998
19:32 – Social Media Marketing and Training – If you’re in need of help setting up your online presence for your business or ministry please contact Dallas at
20:32 – Second Chance – Godzilla 2014 – GUG Article22:34 – Our Expanded Thoughts on Godzilla 201430:25 – New Godzilla – Shin Godzilla 2016 – GUG Article32:55 – Our Expanded Thoughts on Shin Godzilla 201640:18 – Final Roar – GUG Article
41:37 –Thoughts from our Devoted Geek Life Facebook Group45:18 – Closing Remarks
Make sure to leave some comments and let us know your thoughts!
For more Comm Talk, search for “Comm Talk by Geek Devotions” on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher Radio and TuneIn Radio.
Want more King of the Monsters Month? Check out this playlist:

Saturday May 09, 2020
021: Shin Godzilla – The Rightful Heir feat. Paul J Powers
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Originally Aired Sunday, October 29th 2017Today on Comm Talk, Devoted Geek, Paul J. Powers of Retro Rewind Podcast joins us in our discussion of Shin Godzilla (2016) Today we discuss some of the things we didn’t like, things we enjoyed, and some spiritual themes that we found in the movie!
Make sure to leave some comments and let us know your thoughts!
For more Comm Talk, search for “Comm Talk by Geek Devotions” on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher Radio and TuneIn Radio.
Want more King of the Monsters Month? Check out this playlist:
Listen to the #RetroRewindPodcast as Francisco, Paul, and a guest host take another look at movies, video games, and sometimes TV Shows which are 15+ years old. We discuss what we like, what we don’t like, and finally ranking what’s a Classic, Nostalgic, or Tragic.
Find all RRP’s stuff at: to RRP’s YouTube: on which movies RRP covers at:

Saturday May 09, 2020
020b: Godzilla 2014 – Spiritual Insights feat. The Ruiz Family!
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Originally Aired Monday, October 23rd 2017This is part 2 of our special 2 part episode with the Ruiz Family! The Ruiz Family were so much fun that we actually lost track of time and talked for nearly 2 hours! To make things easier for our listeners we’ve broken the conversation down into two parts.
Our last episode covered all the things we like and didn’t like about Godzilla 2014. Today’s episode, however, is very special. Today we dig deep and discuss some of the spiritual themes that we saw in the movie along with some practical applications to our lives such as balance and boundaries.
Make sure to leave some comments and let us know your thoughts!
For more Comm Talk, search for “Comm Talk by Geek Devotions” on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher Radio and TuneIn Radio.
Want more King of the Monsters Month? Check out this playlist:
Listen to the #RetroRewindPodcast as Francisco, Paul, and a guest host take another look at movies, video games, and sometimes TV Shows which are 15+ years old. We discuss what we like, what we don’t like, and finally ranking what’s a Classic, Nostalgic, or Tragic.
Find all RRP’s stuff at: to RRP’s YouTube: on which movies RRP covers at:

Saturday May 09, 2020
020a: Godzilla 2014 – We Laughed and We Cried feat. The Ruiz Family
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Sunday, October 22nd 2017
This week, we’ve split up our Podcast, Comm Talk, into two different episodes. 020A and 020B! The purpose of this was because our special guests, The Ruiz Family, were so much fun that we actually lost track of time and talked for nearly 2 hours! To make things easier for our listeners we’ve broken the conversation down into two parts.
020A Covers all the things we like and didn’t like about Godzilla 2014. What scenes did we find amazing? What scenes did we not like? What scenes gave us the feels for giant rampaging monsters? Find out!
Make sure to leave some comments and let us know your thoughts!
Want more King of the Monsters Month? Check out this playlist:
Listen to the #RetroRewindPodcast as Francisco, Paul, and a guest host take another look at movies, video games, and sometimes TV Shows which are 15+ years old. We discuss what we like, what we don’t like, and finally ranking what’s a Classic, Nostalgic, or Tragic.
Find all RRP’s stuff at: to RRP’s YouTube: on which movies RRP covers at:

Saturday May 09, 2020
019: What good can come from Godzilla 1998?
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Originally aired Sunday, October 15th 2017
This week on Comm Talk, we continue King of the Monsters Month with special guest L.J. Lowery of Geeks Under Grace Podcast as we talk about Godzilla from 1998. In this episode we ask the following questions…
What did we like about Godzilla from 1998?What did we not like about Godzilla from 1998?What spiritual truths can we pull from Godzilla 1998?
Want more King of the Monsters Month? Check out this playlist:
Keep up with LJ and the Geeks Under Grace crew withthe following links!Website:
Check out our Kawaii Kaiju Taco Shirts on Redbubble by clicking the links below
Japanese Shirt – Shirt –
Check out our full store here:
Make sure you check out the Kaijuvision podcast you can find them on most major Podcast catchers such as iTunes and Google Play but you can also visit their website here: make sure to check out their Facebook Page
Recently Dallas wrote an article for Geeks Under Grace. His article took a look at bullying through the lens of X-Men. If you are interested in checking out this article click the following link. Be aware that the article does contain links and contact information for people who are in need of help due to severe bullying and also for community organizers to address the issue of bullying.…
Dark Tower Bible Study for Geeks Under Grace:…
_______ Comm Talk Podcast _____________
Comm Talk is an extension of Geek Devotions and allows us to bring in more people and discuss different things. Below will be links to the iTunes, Google Music, TuneIn Radio and Stitcher pages.
We are really excited about this new branch of Geek Devotions, keep an eye out for a new episode hopefully every Sunday afternoon.
Google Play:
TuneIn Radio:
Welcome to Geek Devotions! The show by a couple of Geeks who are Devoted to letting people know that they are Loved! Subscribe to our channel and follow our Instagram/Twitter @GeekDevotions
To see our Extra Tuesday Playlist! go to
Check out Season 1 of Geek Devotions!
Follow Geek Devotions on social media!

Saturday May 09, 2020
018: Let’s Talk about Godzilla 1954 – Feat. Mike Johngrass
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Originally Aired Sunday, October 8th 2017Welcome to King of The Monsters Month!! This week on Comm Talk – special Guest Mike Johngrass of Message of Hope joins us for a great discussion on the very first Godzilla movie. While state side it was called Godzilla King of Monsters; the original title was Gojira and it came out in 1954. Mike and Dallas discuss some of their favorite aspects of the film, some of the interesting social commentary it takes on, and some of the reoccurring themes that this film started.
Let us know your thoughts on this episode in our comment section and also do us a favor and leave a review of our Podcast on iTunes!
Check out our Kawaii Kaiju Taco Shirts on Redbubble by clicking the links below
Japanese Shirt – Shirt –
Check out our full store here:
____ Mike Johngrass __________Facebook:
____ Message of Hope (Mike’s Ministry) _________Website:…email: messageofhopeproject@yahoo.comFacebook:…Twitter:
Message of Hope, Inc2677 Taft AvenueYoungstown, Ohio 44502
Make sure you check out the Kaijuvision podcast you can find them on most major Podcast catchers such as iTunes and Google Play but you can also visit their website here: make sure to check out their Facebook Page
_______ Comm Talk Podcast _____________
Comm Talk is an extension of Geek Devotions and allows us to bring in more people and discuss different things. Below will be links to the iTunes, Google Music, TuneIn Radio and Stitcher pages.
We are really excited about this new branch of Geek Devotions, keep an eye out for a new episode hopefully every Sunday afternoon.
Google Play:
TuneIn Radio:
Welcome to Geek Devotions! The show by a couple of Geeks who are Devoted to letting people know that they are Loved! Subscribe to our channel and follow our Instagram/Twitter @GeekDevotions
To see our Extra Tuesday Playlist! go to
Check out Season 1 of Geek Devotions!
Follow Geek Devotions on social media!

Learn more about Geek Devotions
We strive to be a voice of light in a community that is often shunned and ignored by the church. This past year we expanded into podcasts and partnering with other geeky ministries which have given us the opportunity to reach out and love on hundreds of people locally here in Shreveport, LA, all the way to the UK and Australia! We have received several e-mails and various social media messages from people telling us how they appreciate that we are speaking their language (Geek) and how what we do has encouraged, inspired, and challenged them.
If you'd like to know more about Geek Devotions, visit our website